I am a woman who dreams; who works; friend to fae, plant, and beast; who sees the magic in every day.
Monday, July 30, 2012
What is the Gratitude Project?
As written by my dear friend Liz Jacobs on the Friends of Shadow Grove Facebook page:
"The Gratitude Project was started by Julie McCord and has been adopted by many Pagans throughout the community. We think it's a wonderful idea and invite you all to share in this activity which starts on Wednesday, August 1st! Thanks to Irene Jericho for the reminder that this is about to begin again this year.
The Gratitude Project runs from Lammas to Mabon. It entails you being mindful of whatever brings you Joy and you journal "the something" you are grateful for each day between those Sabbats. No repeats - you can be grateful for your spouse/kids/job/friends, but the reason for the gratitude needs to be different for each entry. It can BIG or not, your journal/blog entry can be long or short. It can be on paper or in pixels and public or private.
If you would like to post your entries here, we would love to hear from you about what you are thankful for.
Brightest Blessings to all"
For the next 53 days (assuming I'm counting correctly), I'll be posting what I am grateful for each day.