My dad wanted to kayak (yay!). We had dinner reservations at 1600. We loaded up the cars, and off we went.
Well, on the way, my front right line swung around the front of the car and took a spin around the wheel well. The S-hook was wrenched from the tow hole (this is why we use the metal parts of the car!) with a terrible sound. It's now more of an L-hook.
Don't panic: my sunshiney kayak is undamaged! We were able to take the hook from the back of the car to use in front, while looping the back through the wide tow hitch. It worked, and we got to the dock (and back home again, if you want to know) just fine after that.
We had a nice paddle, 1.5 hours or so. I rode tandem with my friend and my mother used my kayak. In hindsight, we could have left my kayak at home and she could have used my friend's Hobie, but this worked fine. (We weren't sure if his wife would be coming, she's been ordered by MD to stay away for a month! Poor thing!)
After our paddle, we met my brother and his wife at a place called The Melting Pot for a huge 3-hour, 4-course fondu meal. The cheese was the best part. I think if I were to go again, I'd just want a cheese pot and a chocolate pot. It was so much food, I had to get up and walk around [not to mention my back was bruised from the boat beating me up yesterday (yes that means I was hit with more than the boom!), so it hurt to sit for so long.]. I won't be going to bed anytime soon, I think!