Thank goodness, what a strange garment that is!
Oktoberfest for a Renaissance Festival is an excuse to get drunk (and this is different from other RenFest days how? Oh, right, lederhosen).
On the bright side, the shop were I work had a wonderfully busy day with a booth full of buying drunks! Those are the days we like.
But, most of us don't care for Oktoberfest, and it looks like all the faires in the area have it the same weekend, so we can't seek sanctuary elsewhere. But I've got that game tomorrow!
I had too much tea at dinner and can't sleep, but that's alright. We're babysitting Ichus, my brother's cat, this weekend and I had to prod him out of my room this morning. I hear him eating now, that's a good sign that he's settling down.
At least we were lederhosen-free!