Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sorry to See it Go

Last night, I broke my portable DVD player. I've had it for a good five years or so. It was really helpful for watching movies at night in my TV-less bedroom. Sometimes, it was the only privacy I had during the course of the day. The screen was rather small, as small screens go, but it served me well, and was much easier to operate than my humongous laptop for the task at hand.

It broke. I opened it up, and the fold-out screen snapped right off. The cords were still connected so I thought it could be saved, but no. I tried to turn it on but couldn't get a picture. Oh, boo.

So, among the regular weekend outings that usually include grocery shopping, I swung by the local Target and got a new one. This one has a slightly bigger screen and is not a no-name brand, so hopefully it's a little more sturdy. I hate having to replace things that still seem new.

In other news, I am slowly uploading my numerous vacation photographs to their new, temporary home on Snapfish (the site I am forced to use in the face of Photosite's closing). I won't stay with this service, it requires me to purchase things, which I don't plan to do. But it will work for now, until I can figure out how to move my domain to a host I do want to use. I'm glad I've got some time to deal with this, because I have a lot of images to move!

I think you can still view the albums when I'm done, but I have to send you there. We'll find out how that works soon! Remember, it's only temporary.

That's all the excitement for today. Kayaking tomorrow. Wee!

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