Yes, I'm considering software as a toy. It doesn't always happen that way, but it has today.
My web host had a sale on website design software and I decided to give it a buy and see what it can do. It's pretty cool. Some things are frustrating, and it seems like it's not as intuitive as the program I was using (or, just really new). But, I really like the photo gallery options on this a lot better. I think it will really help get my photo albums back to something close to what they were on Photosite. Or, at least better than a page of thumbnails that link to an uninteresting page with a picture.
So, I've spent the bulk of the day re-building my website with NetObjects Fusion. I got the sailing pictures back up, and the Stonehenge pictures are ready. Now I just need my web host to synchronize with something, and I get to try to upload my site with FTP. I've never done it that way before, so this should be interesting! I think it will be a just fine investment.
Keep with me! If this does work out (and I sure hope it does, because I'm not made of money!) the majority of my site should be back up in no time!
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