During the course of my work today, I had to call a company to verify a payment address. They had one of those automated phone answering systems (don't we all hate those?) where you speak your responses. "Say 'main menu' for the main menu." "Say 'payment locations' to hear payment locations."
Unfortunately, payment locations only told me where one could go to make a payment in person, and I need the payment address. There wasn't an option for that, so I follow further instructions by saying "representative" to get to a representative. The system wants an account number, I'm looking at over a thousand customers. I repeat "representative."
System: "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
Me (angrily): "Rep-re-sen-ta-tive!!"
System: "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
Me (calmly): "Representative."
System: "Sorry, I still didn't understand that."
Me (annoyed): "That's because you're stupid!"
System: "Let me confirm that."
I thought I was going to die, I was laughing so hard! I relayed the exchange to my nearby coworkers who also thought it was pretty funny! (For the record, I called back and got through to someone who had the information I needed.)
That's not the funniest phone system I've ever heard. I remember calling one company who had a long list of menu options. "For account information, press 1. For our fax number, press 2. To change your service, press 3." and so on. Towards the end of the message, it said, "To end this call, please hang up. To speak to a customer service representative, please hang up." Yeah, that one had me laughing for a while to. I took a chance and hit 0, and had a good laugh with the rep who answered when I told him what the message said to do.
Oh, my days!
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