Friday, October 12, 2007

A Little Bit of Excess

Yesterday, I talked about doing a lot of folding lately. Animals in cool paper, a ton of lucky stars. I love origami. While I was working on an uncooperative computer program last night, I did some more folding. I folded a nice orange and black Halloween spider for me.

I brought my spider to work to set it next to my pumpkin and started talking to my coworker about how complicated a model it is (and it is rather complicated) and how I occasionally will fold models I like in really small paper. My coworker asked if I had done the spider tiny, and I told him I didn't think I could.

Then I saw the challenge! And here it is! (Sorry it's fuzzy, it was my cell camera.)

Who needs to work when you can fold tiny spiders? Halfway through, I started to shake, because I knew I was going to fold it successfully. And now, there are five tiny spiders, and I've got one more to do. And to really boggle your mind, I did it without looking at instructions.

Did I mention that I really enjoy origami?

1 comment:

  1. HEHE! Everytime we go out, Glen builds bunnies. :D Thanks Fyrecreek!
