Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I got this feeling that I wanted to write something deep or inspirational or thought provoking today. I read some very interesting articles on HowSuffWorks this morning that got me thinking, as they often do, but the blog entry that normally comes from such thoughts just isn't happening today.

Instead, I'm left wondering what happened to February, though I know it will be back by the weekend. I'm not complaining about our Spring-like weather, it's very nice, but I'd like to have a little bit of that snow that the northern states are getting so much of.

Aside from the unusually warm weather, February has some interesting things going for it this year. There's tomorrow's Lunar New Year, and next week I'm off on Friday, and then the next week is a total lunar eclipse. Oh, and that weekend is Fox's birthday party, and the weekend before that, Fae and I are supposed to finally do some painting. There's a neat little shop in Waldorf that has ceramic things that you can paint. When I saw that, I instantly thought that she and I would have fun doing it. Oh, and I've got my last yoga class this weekend too. And, I'm expecting my little wheeled house to be mine by the end of the month or shortly after (depending on how the renovations are coming along). Quite a lot of things going on, actually!

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