Working all day on packing up my life didn't work out here either. Mom had this great idea to go to breakfast and then to Trader Joe's, with a not-quick stop in a bookstore.
I admit, I could have gotten some work done after we got home, but I decided instead to finish organizing some DVDs in a DVD storage unit. I started this last week, and it is a little time consuming. It counts as getting my stuff together, really, but I would have liked to have done more.
I don't think I'll be working overtime this week (because it won't count as overtime because I'm off on Friday), so I should be able to get a lot of packing done in the evenings. I need to downsize some more clothes....
Do any of you, fair blog readers, watch Jericho (Tuesdays on CBS)? It comes on too late for my mother and I to watch it, so we have to employ the good ole VCR. We finally got to watch our tape on Thursday night, and I have yet to stop thinking about that episode. It was fabulous (even if it was stressful and heartbreaking); just one amazing forty-five minutes of quality TV. We recorded Lost over it, and we both regret doing so. I would purchase the entire series just to have that episode. If you haven't seen the show, you have no idea why!