Saturday, July 19, 2008

A New Place

After I got home yesterday, we loaded the kayaks on the cars and went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth. The theater we went to wasn't showing it in 3D, and you could tell the parts where that would be a nice effect, but it was quite good. I think we all enjoyed it. I've wanted to read some Jules Verne for a while now, I need to just order some books!

Despite our best efforts, we did not meet Fox at the landing at Governor’s Bridge at 0800 like we wanted. Sorry, Fox! Even so, we spent about two hours on the water. Mom and Fox and I scouted out this landing last fall, but we only just today made it there. This is a part of the Patuxent River that's quite a bit north from where we usually go.

Here we are, approaching Governor’s Bridge. A little further up, we passed under Route 50 (a major highway that leads from Ocean City all the way to Sacramento, though I've never been on that part of it). Shortly past 50 was a double-trunked tree partially submerged in the water, making that part of the river impassable without portaging. So, we headed back towards the landing and went the other way, down river.

On the way, we passed this awesome tree that looks like a knee. We joked it was a missing piece of The Awakening. A little further down, we encountered some rapid, shallow water that required us to get out and launch a little further up from it to get back to the landing. If it wasn't for the fact that we were going down river and we would have to go back up to get to our cars, I would have kept going south for a bit longer.

Now that everything is cleaned up, we're waiting for dad's laundry to dry, and then it's off to the annual pool party. I'd like a nap.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Better late then never. It was also interesting to go by that bambo thicket & a paint ball game.

  2. I think it was actually an air soft game (soft pellets with air pressure, like a BB gun) rather than paintball, which is very messy and the trees would have been stained with paint.
