I am a woman who dreams; who works; friend to fae, plant, and beast; who sees the magic in every day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Laura, This is the Call
This is the call that I promised you all those years ago. I haven't forgotten. I bet you're amazed it took this long, and amazed I remembered at all!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Careful Planning
Well, it doesn't always work out. I took off today and tomorrow. Part of that was to make the most of the week without my roommate. The other part of it is that Han is usually off on Mondays and I was hoping we could get together. As it turns out, he had to work today, so it won't be the all day affair I was planning on. Still, I'll make the most of what I get, and I will get him when he's done with work this evening.
So, it didn't work out a perfectly as I'd hoped, but it will not be a total loss just the same.
In the meantime, I've been cleaning like a mad fool. The floors were swept, steamed, and vacuumed as appropriate. All laundry and sheets and towels have been washed. And I fit in forty-five minutes on the elliptical. I think I got a lot accomplished, and I didn't have to rush to do it all last night.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Day After
Dad had to work at the faire today, but mom and I went out to breakfast at the Rod'N'Reel on the Chesapeake. It's been a while since we've been there and it was very nice, as usual. I've been talking to her about taking her sewing machine, that's bolted onto an awesome table that it can fold into when not in use. We had to unbolt it, which was a chore, and I don't think I'll be able to get it back together by myself. It's an old Sears Kenmore, and when I say old, I mean my parents bought it with their first joint tax return. It's almost as old as their marriage! I'm so happy to have it. Now, I'll be able to finish a dress I started some time ago and work on a ton more patterns that I haven't had a chance to work on.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Leaving On a Jet Plane
Today is my mother's birthday. Dad and I pitched in together and got her a Wii. They recently got some hard wood floors put in, and mom said she didn't need a Wii because she wasn't sure of putting it (as in, the Wii Fit, which I stole from her and haven't replaced yet) on the floor. What she was really trying to say is that she has had no luck finding a Wii and so had given up wanting one. I hope she likes it!
Happy birthday, mom!
Happy birthday, mom's sister!
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm Not Going Anywhere
It's hard not to get involved in Phoenix's flurry of packing. She leaves tomorrow morning for a week with her boyfriend who lives in Idaho. I know they're planning to see Yellowstone and will spend a night in a nice hotel in Salt Lake City. It sounds like a fun trip. She's nervous about going, I think that's mostly because she'll be meeting his parents for the first time. Though, he says they're as nervous about impressing her as she is about impressing them. She's such a wonderful person, I think she'll be fine.
Her sweetie sent her some nice luggage for the trip. She's been spending the past five hours stuffing it full of, well, stuff. I offered some vacuum bags to save space, but she said she didn't need them. Ah, the joys of packing for an anticipated trip. I get to take her to the airport tomorrow, and I also plan to exploit her absence as much as possible. We'll see how that goes.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just Some Words
Sorry, it will have to keep going this way. And, I'll try really hard to get those posts posted daily instead of in groups at a time. I've just got so much going on, spending time in front of the computer is not really what I want to do with it, since I do it all day anyway. I know you understand my plight, dear blog readers. I'll try to be better about it for you.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Not the half of it is that I know LDS is annoyed because she can't really hold her son, lest he catch what she has. She left a message on my phone last night to tell me, and to hope that she didn't give it to me when she came to work on Monday. At first, I thought she might. I went through today feeling awful. My eyes were red and swollen, I had a terrible headache, and I was incredibly tired. As it turns out, it was Phoenix's laundry detergent.
She bought this stuff and was using it for a few weeks, but recently realized that was the cause of her constant migraines. She told me I could finish it off for her, so I washed two loads in the stuff last night. They're in the dryer now, having been washed again with my nice, safe, dye and fragrance free stuff. She's got something to do tonight, so I'll tell her tomorrow to throw that crap away. Yuck!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Overtime Will Continue
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
No Photos Please
The wonderful shop owner gave me next weekend off. While I normally hate not working, I'm glad for it this time, because Saturday is my mother's birthday and my roommate will be out of town, leaving the kitties all alone. It definitely works better for me to be able to do something with mom on Saturday than to work and do something Sunday. Yay for things working out!
I bought a new skirt at the end of the day yesterday to wear with the other side of my reversible corset. I love the way it fits on me now, even better than when I bought it.
The images you're seeing are signs we have posted all over the shop. It doesn't matter how many there are, people will always ignore them. It's annoying, but we do the best we can.
We thought it would be funny to have photos of the no photos signs. Is it funny? You tell me.
This is not a no photos sign! This is me in my snuggly-fitting corset. Still the most comfortable corset I own. I'm thinking of getting another from this company. Then again, how many snuggly-fitting reversible corsets does one really need?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Warm and Busy
We actually had one of our busiest days yet, which is good on the daily bonus front. I tend to judge the success of a sales day by that bonus, and this one has been the best.
There really isn't much more to tell about this day. I have to go in an hour early tomorrow. Looks like both jobs are making with the overtime!
Happy Mabon
I was unable to join the ministry for this sabbat because of a seasonal weekend job. This also made a ritual of my own not very feasible. After a hard day of working, however, a group of us get together for a very late dinner. I used that time to thank the gods and the planet for their many gifts.
I learned a meal blessing a few years ago that I use regularly, but most especially before the harvest feasts. I tend to write it frequently, though I cannot remember where I learned it, so you may have already seen it, and you may see it again.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I Be Gettin' the Crow's Watch for This One
Happy Birthday, me bonnie friend Fae!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It Means Work
Phoenix and I went to the store yesterday, but I forgot to get lemon juice, which I use in my henna. I'll get some tomorrow, but it will be too late to make the paste for tomorrow. I think I'll do that Sunday night, and mud up on Monday. That means that I should have some time, if overtime doesn't kick my tail, to hop on the elliptical. I need it. I've been losing weight and size and toning up and I just need to stay on top of that. It will start tomorrow, and I will push myself through next week too.
This overtime can't last forever.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Londonderry Air
From the lyrics of Danny Boy, I looked at the history of the tune. I found that it was originally just a tune, originally heard on a fiddle in County Derry (Londonderry, depending on who you ask). A great variety of lyrics have been set to it, more than I had ever known.
I read through those lists of songs, playing the tune to the words in my mind. There was one poem, that was set to the tune for a special lament, that struck me by the beauty of it.
My Creed (I Will Be True) by Howard Arnold Walter
I would be true, for there are those that trust me.
I would be pure, for there are those that care.
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer.
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
I would be friend of all, the foe, the friendless.
I would be giving, and forget the gift,
I would be humble, for I know my weakness,
I would look up, and laugh, and love and live.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Times Past
I have a special necklace. I bought it not just because I liked it, but to also remind me of a far away place, and of dear friends who live there. Other than liking it, that purpose was tied to it as well. Something happened, and my mind's portraits of those people had to change. My necklace now serves to remind me of what I thought they were, which turned out to be wrong. That doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter that my perception of them was not correct. Every now and then, I will remember, and I will hold on to that memory, because it makes them better people than what they actually are. I don't care that I was wrong, I'd rather remember them, and value the role they played in my life, this way, even if it means I'm lying to myself about what they were and about how long they lied to me.
I'm not going to detail what happened. Every now and then, I still have to wrap my mind around it. I learned they had formed an unfavorable opinion of me and, rather than giving me the benefit of the doubt by talking to me about what they thought and felt, they assumed that I meant something hurtful and never made a move to verify or correct that assumption.
These people only spend time with each other. They told me that, on many occasions. I think they forgot how to be social with other people, and I think that's why they were more comfortable thinking that someone could mean to hurt them instead of thinking that they just perceived it the wrong way and talking about it. They may have lost my friendship, but they've earned my pity.
I think it's good that they get along so well with each other, since they have lost the skill of getting along with other people. It gives me comfort to know they will have each other when they can't hold on to anyone else.
Now, my necklace, which is also pretty and I like it, reminds me that I loved them then, what I thought they were. And it reminds me of what they really are, and their inability to love anyone else. There's no sadness there, only memory, and a little bit of hope that the next time they try to be a part of humanity, they can learn how.
Full Harvest Moon
I could no longer put off re-dedicating my house charm for a time that my roommate and I could do it together. She was busy last night, and she is leaving in about a week for a week-long vacation. I'm excited to have the place to myself, but I know I'm going to need the protections that this charm will provide.
I placed the charm bag on my pentacle, cast my circle, and called the elements and deities. It is rare that I do more than a ritual circle for an Esbat. Protected by the Watchtowers and in the presence of my patrons, I re-stated the ingredients and the purpose of each, almost as if I was crafting an entirely new charm bag. When I had finished this, I cast a shield around the condo, programming it to protect those who dwell within and allow only those who mean us no harm to pass through. I tied the shield to the charm bag and hung it from a hook on the living room ceiling, where it will continue to shield my new dwelling.
Now, I work frequently with shields. Tying them to a charm or talisman keeps them up all the time without having to think about it constantly. However, shields take a lot of damage and need regular maintenance, especially the longer they are in place. I will periodically clean and fortify this shield, keeping the protections constant and at peak. Someday soon, I'll give you much more information about shielding.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My roommate has been trying to grow her hair out (and succeeding, I might add). She's been reading a lot of long hair care websites. I've had my hair long for years and never did anything special to it. But there are things my hair does that I don't like. So, I decided to follow some of this advice.
I got a boar bristle brush. This is probably the hardest thing to get used to. I've been using wide-toothed combs for decades. The bristles distribute the natural oils from the scalp to the usually dryer ends. I feel like I've seen some improvement there. I haven't abandoned my comb.
I started washing just my scalp with shampoo. The amount that runs down the rest of my hair is enough to get it clean without drying it out. Conditioner gets concentrated on the ends where it's needed more. I've also taken to washing twice a week. That made me a little apprehensive, but my hair is amazingly not oily and disgusting between washings. Maybe it got oily before because I dried it out so much with frequent washings? I've never been a fan of hair dryers, which is recommended to be avoided, and I've stopped vigorously rubbing my hair in a towel to speed drying, which can cause breakage.
I also started braiding my hair before going to bed. Phoenix said it helps with preventing pulls, snags, and tangles that happen when one sleeps. It also gives my bone-straight locks a nice light wave, and the look of more volume.
I'm hoping to do a henna root touch-up Friday, which is by far the best thing I do for my hair. Some of the sites that she found also recommend monthly hot oil treatments and a thirty minute pre-wash jojoba oil treatment on the ends. I haven't done these yet, but I'll add them to my list.
All in all, it's been a week and a half or so, and I've already seen improvement in the condition and obvious health my hair. Maybe there is something to these things.
I never thought I'd write an entire blog about caring for my hair!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I Start to Complain When There's No Rain
However, one of the Toadettes did have a little too much tequila and had to sober up before she could make it to the car of another Toadette to drive her home. She's the smallest of all of us, and had six or seven shots during the course of the day, three of those were during my six-hour shift. I have a feeling she had more than six or seven, though. Most of that tequila was awful stuff anyway.
Maybe next weekend will be significantly reduced in shots. Not because I couldn't take it, just because I'm not very fond of it.
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Glare
And, I just realized that all of Miss Luna's food is not in the dish, but on the mat. I cannot tell you why she dumped her food out, but it's out!
That's all I can think about today. I guess I'd better get to packing and sleeping!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Even Better
Last night, I turned on my pocket pc to get the date of my next dental appointment and found that it had been too long since I used it last. The batteries had run down and the entire thing got wiped. While it's not too hard to find my appointment time (just locate the last receipt) what really sucks is that I had a story that I started a good three years ago saved on it. Yes, I do back-up my pocket pc, but it's been a while since I did that. I don't have all of my story, but I was able to recover most of it after the panic went away. I know I should have a good bit of it somewhere else too. I was writing on my desktop in a notepad and I e-mailed that to one of my many e-mail accounts. I just have to find it, and more will be recoverd. I've been working on another story recently, you see, so this one hasn't gotten any attention for a while. I'm just very glad it's not all gone. That's happened before too.
I got to visit with my godson again today, but this time LDS invited me to join them for dinner. We had yummy tacos and spent many hours chatting. I just got home! Phoenix said she was going to call around 2230 if I wasn't home yet, because that is very unlike me to be out so late. I told her I would have called at 2200, our bedtime (though we rarely actually hit that) if I was going to be any later.
It's not like we have to run all plans by each other or anything, just that it's nice to have someone know where you are in case something happens. And, friends are going to worry if they expect you to be somewhere and you're not there. My awesome roommate fed Miss Luna for me. She's so great!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Home Late
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Not Alone
Monday, September 08, 2008
Not Sure What I Did
This morning has me plagued with all-over muscle soreness. I mean all over: arms, neck, shoulders, back, thighs, calves, ankles. I haven't exercised in a week, so I know it's not that I overworked myself.
I hope I'm not getting sick. Or, if I am getting sick, I don't have to take any days off and it's gone by the weekend. How's that?!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
There is No Underwear in Space
I did know that gaffer tape was used to support Carrie Fisher in the first Princess Leia costume, but I did not know about Lucas' indisputable reasoning for it until last night.
It took us longer to get to the theater than we had anticipated, but we were still well on time. Have any of you theater-goers noticed that buying tickets online means the computer chooses what it thinks are the best seats available? This is a hit or miss kind of thing, the computer may choose wisely, or it may choose poorly. We lucked out, I think. Here's a view of the stage, post-show, from our balcony. And this theater is great: while available, any seat in the house is $12 for people under thirty. I picked from the most expensive groups of seats, still only $12 (the ticket price list indicates $10 seats with a $2 "facility charge." Just call it $12, people, you add those two bucks to every ticket!) for $76 seats. Wee!
I think she spoke rather fondly of the people in her life; her parents, ex-lovers (she was married to one of my favorite singers, I didn't know that!), and even crazy, gaffer-tape obsessed directors. Her conversation was both frank and lighthearted. I call it a conversation, because it was really more like that than a play. There were several times when the house lights would come on -proper cup of coffee- so she could see and interact with the audience. She spoke with clever humor and the unique ability to laugh at herself.
Pretty much like everyone in the theater, I wanted to see this show because she starred in one of my all-time favorite movies ("if not, why are you here?!"). There is something about seeing American royalty in person that makes that far away place where film and television magic happens -proper copper coffee pot- seem not so far away. There was reality in it, especially in her upfront manner of speaking about the tragedies and accomplishments in her life.
No, it wasn't all doom and gloom. It was raw and funny, witty and candid. I'm glad I got the chance to see it, and I'd see it again if the opportunity presents itself. I'm glad Phoenix came with me too. We're hoping to do more things like this though, next time, we'll have to better judge how long it takes to ride the Metro into town.
Forget cold coffee eyes, I'll take rainbows in the high desert air.
And here's a little bit of Carrie's advice: vibrators make good stocking stuffers.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Helloooooo Hanna
Phoenix and I are going to the theater tonight. I'm glad the rain has stopped, it would have made the trip into town quite annoying. It should be fun!
Friday, September 05, 2008
I Can't Control the Weather
I'm not upset; I can't control the weather after all. Still, it means Pat and I won't be getting to the beach again this year as this is the only weekend I have free until the end of October. And my new swimsuit will have to wait until next season to get some use. Ah, well.
I mentioned to Pat that we could take in a show of Wishful Drinking instead. He just said he'd get back to me. I need to buy tickets now! This show's been selling out! And they have a limited number of cheap under 30 tickets! I think I'll see if Phoenix is interested in going.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Before Long
I've been put back on overtime at work. The work is there, and the OT is there, and I'll take it. Starting tomorrow.
I've got a lot of things going on, and some seem so far away. I know days pass faster than they should most times, so the events that I'm waiting for will be here before long.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Wonder Where It Went
I ordered a new swimsuit last week. I hope it comes in time for my trip to Virginia Beach this weekend. It's frustrating because they never sent a confirmation e-mail that it had been shipped, and I need a customer number to check it on the website, but that would be included in the e-mail they never sent. Gah!
Pat was laughing. He said I'll get all upset and it will be there when I get home today. Probably. That's how these things usually work.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Meaning of Tired
We hardly hit any traffic on the way back, and Han got me home by 2300, and I was happily cleaned up and in bed before midnight.
I am dragging today. Very little work is coming in and, as far as I know, the extra project I've been working on is over so I won't have that to do either. Maybe things will pick up as the day goes on.
Today, I'm tired. But it's a good tired. It's the tired of someone who had an active day prior. And I think I only got a tiny bit of sun.
Poor Han had a very late night Sunday, and a later night because he had to drive home after dropping me off (after a very active day, no less). I did suggest that he could stay at my place for the night, but he did not have anything with him (you know, like clothes that weren't swim shorts and such). He's probably still in bed right now, at least. He doesn't have to work until the evening.
Now, we're trying really hard to get together to see Wishful Drinking, but it's not going to be in the area for very long, and poor Han only has off on Mondays when all theaters around here are dark (that's why he has off then). We'll see. There's a lot of things coming up that a bunch of my friends are hoping to be able to see (I might actually get to see Jeff Dunham live!).
Oh, dear. I'm tired and I'm bored. I think I need more coffee.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Was It Really Labor Day?
This was good news for us, of course, because it translated to very little waiting in line, which is always great for such a place. The group this year was the lovely young lady who coordinated the mess this year and last, Han's younger brother and his girlfriend, and of course Han and I. It wasn't an even number, but it ended up working out quite well.
We missed the water park completely this time. I think we kept hitting things on our way and before we knew it, it was 1600 and just too late to be getting in the water. We did hit the two water rides that are not part of the water park (more accurately, the group rode one, and Han and I went to the other after we were already wet), so it wasn't a completely dry day. Then we rode some of the older wooden coasters, and I think it's about time to retire those. One in particular was a lot more bumpy and rickety than Han or I remembered. They did have a new coaster this year that was a lot of fun.
We took another of those Olde Time photographs, this time I've been promised that they will be scanned so I can actually have a copy (and last year's too).
I know I'm going to be tired tomorrow, but it was a well-spent day.