Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just Some Words

You may have noticed that you're not seeing a new blog post every day, but you will see that I have one for every day. This is because they're getting harsh at work about non-work-related internet use, which translates to being unable to add to my blog while at work. I write it every day, same as always, and e-mail it to myself at home. Then, it's just a matter of time before I get it added here. I know there's a way to e-mail a post directly to Blogger, but it would automatically post the confidentiality notice that gets tagged to all of my e-mails from the office network. That would just get annoying!

Sorry, it will have to keep going this way. And, I'll try really hard to get those posts posted daily instead of in groups at a time. I've just got so much going on, spending time in front of the computer is not really what I want to do with it, since I do it all day anyway. I know you understand my plight, dear blog readers. I'll try to be better about it for you.

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