Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Full Moon

I hope all of you had a bright and mostly warm esbat. The days are getting shorter and the weather is definitely getting colder.

I didn't have anything special planned in advance for this esbat, but something did present itself. The local pagan ministry I've been working with, Shadow Grove, holds celebrations for every sabbat. In the past, I'm told, Yule was a community event at a local Universalist church, not a private ritual at the Grove House. They've decided to bring Yule back to the Grove, but otherwise keep their traditions intact. Part of those traditions is a gift exchange, as many groups do. This group wants the gifts we exchange to be something hand-made. I'm all for that, I fill much of my free time creating things. Seeing as how Yule hasn't happened yet, I'm not going to say what it is I made. I will say that it's fitting, considering the item's ultimate purpose, that inspiration struck me on this esbat.

I gathered my supplies before my altar and cast my circle. Then, I got to making, focusing on what I wanted it to represent as it took shape in my hands. This tiny trinket took four hours to complete, which actually surprised me quite a bit. But, it was made in ritual and filled with my intent and I know it will be a special gift to whomever receives it. I concluded my ritual and left it sitting on my altar, where it will remain until it finally gets wrapped up for our Yule celebration.

I must say, I really enjoy it when things line up just right.

Oh, and keep your eyes on the sky! The Leonids are coming, and should be at their peak in just a few days.

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