Thursday, January 15, 2009

We're All Fine Here Now Thank You

At 1030, we were told to grab our stuff and evacuate the building. There was no time to save work, shut down computers, or grab anything that was not necessary. Purses, bags, and coats got grabbed, and then the lot of us huddled in the cold on the top level of the parking garage.

After about twenty minutes, we were told that a bomb threat to the building had been called and they were taking it seriously. After another ten minutes, they said the police wanted a perimeter of three hundred feet, and the parking garage was not outside of that. We were told to go home (or go away) and call the disaster hotline at 1300 to see if we need to return to work.

The all-clear was given around 1230, though many of us didn't get the message until 1300 as we were instructed. So, back we went and here we are. They found no bomb and all it back to neat.

During the two hour break from work, I took LDS, her partner, and another coworker, Ravynne, back to my place. Ravynne lives very far away and her husband took off without her. I'm just a little closer than LDS, and it so happens that her partner was in the middle of a job interview at the time. So, they piled into my car and we hung out over pizza until we heard it was ok to come back to work.

It was actually a nice little break to the day.

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