Tuesday, June 09, 2009

New Challenge

In February, I found a seller on Etsy who makes the most awesome fairy houses I have ever seen. Ever. I have three of her items: two houses and a throne that I am currently making a doll to sit upon.

I meant to ask her for a while about something, and finally got around to it yesterday. Each house has a very distinct smell. I'm usually pretty good at identifying scents, but the combination of notes within the houses is very complex and hard to break down and identify. However, I think I can do it.

I spent much of yesterday collaborating with the artist about her materials, the scents she notices in the houses, the possible things that could be causing it since none of it is deliberate. She said I was not the first one to comment on the smell. It is a pleasant aroma and that's why I'd like to try to duplicate it.

I went through my current stock of essential oils yesterday evening. I made a practice formula with what I had on-hand (the base notes are all wrong, but that's ok for this phase). The top and middle notes in my practice vial are very close. I have a list of oils to look for at the store and some I know I will have to order online somewhere.

This is already a fun project! I've made many personal fragrances before, but I've not previously tried to copy a scent. I hope this day moves by quickly, because I really want to get what I need at the store and mix more oils. To get this scent just right, it's going to take a lot of trials, but I'm already having fun doing it.

In other craft news, I'm up to my eyeballs in commissions right now!


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I'm so glad you linked to Rachel's Fairy Houses! I ordered one myself, and I am hooked! Just the cutest things! I'm already lining up to get another one. Thanks so much!
    Yes, there is a smell to my Fairy Hut--kind of woody and caramel-y, actually. Both my cat and my dog had to stick their noses in to check it out, thus likely terrifying whatever little fairy may have been making herself at home!
    I'm looking forward to getting my little garden gnome, too!

  2. I wrote a big post about her shop on my main craft blog, http://fyrecreeksbazaar.blogspot.com/, if you haven't seen it. I love her work, there is simply nothing else like it anywhere.

    My third essential oil formula is very very close to the scent of my first house. There is one more essential oil that is hard to come by that I'm certain I need. That has to wait for payday! I'll be sure to post it somewhere when I'm satisfied with my concoction!

    Your Garden Gnome is on the way! It should be there soon. I was sure to send him off with a kiss so he won't be lonely on his way. ;-)
