Monday, January 04, 2010

In 2010

Here it is, another year. Another decade. Oh, it's been this way for four days? Where have I been?!

On New Year's Eve, Fox and Fae joined my parents and me for mondo movie night. We managed to only get two movies in, but one of them was pretty long. It was really about hanging out with people who matter in our lives, and that we did. This was the second time we've done a New Year's Eve like that. I really enjoy it.

New Year's Day was dinner at my grandmother's with the folks and both of mom's siblings and their better halves. And then we managed an after-dinner movie. All during the day, Guild Wars was having their winter game festival thing. I was able to log in and let the thing run and get lots of useful game items.

On Saturday, my parents and I did the only thing we could do: went out into the world to see Avatar. This film deserves its own post, so movie review later!

Sunday was monthly brunch, which somehow mom managed to tell Fox we would not be attending. I don't know why she figured that, I had been including it with my weekend plans all along. After a bit of grocery shopping, my aunt and uncle who are visiting from Utah came by to play with Buffy, check out the new non-carpeted living room, and experience some Wii. I ended up getting home quite a bit later than I wanted to last night, but I got to hang with family I don't get to see very often, so it's all good.

Miss Luna was acting strangely last night and this morning. She usually begs for food in the evening and inhales what I put down. She wasn't begging, and when I put food in her bowl, she sat in the hallway and then came in and ate half of it. She ate the other half quite a bit later. She slept very close to me all night, and did not wake me up early begging for breakfast like she normally does. She wasn't even begging while I was making my bed and getting ready. When I did feed her, she ate it all, but then went back to sleep on my bed, where she normally runs into the hall to find a kitten to play with. The roomies said she was perfectly normal all weekend. I hope it's just that she's mad at me for going away for two long weekends in a row and not a sign that she's sick. I'm not going away for a night or longer again until the end of the month. Maybe that's all she needs. I really wish I could have stayed home with her this morning.

So, here it is, another year and another decade. And this year brought with it frigid air and gusty winds from Canada. And I hear there's a possibility of more snow, similar to the double feet of a few weeks ago, in our future. I can take the snow, and I can bundle up in the cold, but that wind is harsh! And, the heat appears to be broken in the office too. I think it's time for more coffee.

I hope everyone had a fabulous year changeover!


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  2. Who are you?

    I mean, nice that you think my writing has changed for the better since I started blogging in 2005 and all, but not signing a post seems just a bit underhanded and gives your opinion no credibility. If you're completely sincere, thank you. If you think I'm being harsh, see my second post on December 30th.

    I tend to let people say what they want as long as they're not linking porn or other such nonsense, spouting profanities, or writing in a language that no one can read and I can't translate (or don't want to take the time), but I have reason to be angry with random, anonymous commenters who don't sign things.

    So, to you, Anonymous Commenter, and any who may follow, don't take it personally if I don't approve your comments. I am the Mistress of this blog space. If I don't feel like facing another slew of "it's cool that your pet is dying" type comments, I won't!

    And to everyone else who had kind, meaningful things to say: thank you so very much, dear ones. It helped. It really did.

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Reading your blog is a highlight of my day, it's one of the few things I check everyday before getting busy with life and most days helps me feel a little more connected to the world. Since my move I've felt like I've lost touch with so much of my old life, I like staying up to date on whats going on with you and making comments from time to time, it makes me feel better. So thank you for sharing with us, I know I love it.

  4. Thank you, Zillah, truly. We're getting super cold winds from Canada right now. Is that your fault? :P

    Those of you who I never see but I know come here to read are among the main reasons why I continue to write. Your comments and e-mails give me something to look forward to as well. I think I'd still post if I had no readers at all, but it wouldn't be nearly as frequent!

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    LOL, the winds are not my fault! It's been hovering around freezing here the last several days, which is beautiful weather for this time of year! ;P


  6. Uh-huh!
    Well, I had to buy a stylin' new hat on Sunday for the windy occasion. There's a bright side to everything.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Lol, they're called Tuque (pronounced too*k) here, as I've been corrected on it often I thought I'd pass it along. If you say "hat" or "winter hat" here you get looked at funny.


  8. A tuque is actually a kind of hat, generally knit stocking cap-ish (if they use the word for all hats, they're nuts! That word should be "chapeau."). My new hat is a fuzzy, aviator-style hat, complete with flaps that can be turned up, left to hang over the ears, or secured under the chin. Like the Jayne hat, but not knit (and I have made myself a Jayne hat....). I am in the market for an all-leather version. Found a seller on Etsy!
