Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Gratitude Project - Day 21

I am grateful for dreams. Sometimes I remember them and sometimes I don't. Sometimes they are beautiful and sometimes they are terrifying. They are a mystery.

Last night, I had several very vivid dreams. I tried to lie in bed and retain some of them, but with Miss Luna howling for her breakfast, it didn't last.

I was taking a tour of a large piece of land in autumn. The leaves were fire red and the ground was covered. The land was owned by a friend and right next to a park. And I think we were exploring the property because we were going to build a house there....

I was in a forest of red and yellow and orange. It was like a shrine with five stones, standing about waist high from the earth. Each stone was carved with a symbol and covered in lichen. They were symbols I was supposed to know. I was leaving an offering....

I was in a room with several people. We were watching some video, though I don't remember why we were. None of us spoke the same language, and we all wondered why the other people were there. There were numbers on the video, like someone was doing calculations. People started shouting out the answers in whatever language they knew. Everyone was laughing. Then we started telling each other our numbers, teaching just that one part of a language that other people in the room didn't know....

Just dreams.

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