Friday, November 01, 2013

Covering a Year

It was a year ago Samhain night when I started daily veiling. My collection of suitable veils in color and style has grown quite a bit, and the ritual of choosing and coordinating my veil to my outfit has become part of my regular morning routine. My veils include scarves, tichels, snoods, tube bandannas, headbands, and hats. I do not cover when sitting around at home or among relatives (to include the future in-laws) unless we plan to go out somewhere. I tend to reserve more open veils like headbands to situations where I'm in the company of family and not-family, and times when I want to show off my hair but still be covered. Remember, I veil to cover my crown chakra, not my hair (though most of my hair also gets covered more often than not). This is what I've observed in a year of veiling.

You may recall, dear readers, that I accurately predicted that my previous boss would have an issue with my veils. I fully believe that her prejudice is the main reason why I ended up in the laid off group. One of the questions she asked me was if I would accept a position at a new company if they told me I couldn't wear my veil. My answer was no, of course. So, in the last year, I went to a job interview veiled and not one person on the interview committee asked about or even mentioned my covering at the interview, and still have not even now. I've been working there three and a half months, and only two people have asked about my veils - out of curiosity. Unlike my prejudiced former manager, no one cares. And this job requires me to be far more of a public face than the last one ever did. No one cares. And that's the way it should be.

I have found that other ladies who veil are more likely to talk to me than before I started veiling. Even silly things like asking me a question about a product while we're both standing in the baking section of the craft store. One in particular I remember was a lovely lady wearing a simple black hijab with sparkly pins holding it in place. I rarely see other versions of veils than hijabs, really. I started looking for, and thus noticing, veiled people when I started my research, but it started happening far more often when I started veiling myself.

Sometimes people ask, and sometimes I just bring it up in conversation when conversations go that way. I haven't really met with a whole lot of animosity or prejudice to my choice (with the exception of said former boss). Most people in my circle have been really supportive, if they express caring at all.

I'm going to continue to do it. I may not always. One day, my journey may lead me down a different path but, for now, it still feels right. Sometimes, I feel like I miss fancy braids in my hair, but I don my veil anyway and don't regret it. It makes my mornings easier, as I don't have to focus on my hair any longer than putting it up and picking a covering for the day. And if I want to do something fancy for a special occasion, I may as I choose.  Sometimes, a fancy headband over my style satisfies both needs.

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