While searching for things to use in an EverQuest signature, I came across something called Dragon Factory by 3DMenagerie. It's a 3D Dragon design application that works with Poser by Curious Labs. I use Poser, I like Dragons, this seemed like the greatest discovery. So I searched and searched for a website where I can purchase these dragons waiting to be created.
I found the website, I read through everything that it included, I got excited, thinking I didn't care how much it cost, I had to have it! I kept scrolling down the page until I found:
Dragon Factory is no longer available.
Now, I don't support piracy, but I do if it's something that you cannot otherwise find. But they don't call me the Queen of Dig around the office for nothing. If it's out there to be found, I will find it. I'll let you know =)
In the meantime, I think I might settle for a different kayak than the one I've been looking at. There was a store that will stop selling kayaks, so they want to get rid of on hand inventory. It's a Hobie Lanai, and my parents and I think it was on sale for less than $600. It doesn't have the dry stow space I'm looking for and it's yellow (not my favorite color) but it has the benefit of instant gratification! I fork over a few hundred bucks and I get to put the kayak in the water right away.
I think I'm resigned, if it's still there and still on sale, I'll get it this weekend. I can easily hand it over to my mother when I'm ready to buy the one I want (maybe when the manufacturer is not so backed-up!).
31 Amigurumi in October - Doll 9
6 years ago