Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Didn't Want To Do It

Because, you know, I'm supposed to be saving. But I had to! They are only making 250, and for all we know, I could be the 251st fan of The Phantom. Then I would have been very, very upset.

I'm talking about this. I placed my order for the gun belt (drool) and the Colts (drool more). The rings can wait. I have a Good Mark already, and a Skull ring that I made. But the other two are limited. LIMITED!!!

This year, I'm going to make a Phantom costume. I haven't made a costume in a long time, and I think it's time. And since The Phantom doesn't have nearly the limelight as Spiderman or Batman, it will be impossible to buy a costume. That's ok. I've got some pieces on order, and I'm prepared to dye and sew. Weee!!

I spent more time than I should have last night folding. I folded a dinosaur with some cool patterned paper, and another dinosaur. A coworker wanted an elephant in elephant patterned paper, and I ran out of elephant patterned paper, so I folded him a cool tiger stripped spider instead.

My skills won't improve if I don't keep folding, right?

I hope my cool Phantom gear gets here soon!

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